RAHIM CO INTERNATIONAL MELAKA is a Valuer Estate Agent registration number of VE 100652 with office located in Melaka but they have hot properties outside of Melaka too. Call them up to see if they can find you your dream house. Mizah Rahim Bramhall Business Card Business Card Design Inspiration Business Card Design Inspiration Business Card Gallery Business Card Design Rahim Co General Information. . RAHIM CO INTERNATIONALPENANG is a Valuer Estate Agent registration number of VE100651 with office located in Penang but they have hot properties outside of Penang too. To be eligible for the bar admission A Rahim Co. Store and the simple idea of selling more for less has grown over the last 40 years into one of the prominent retailers of the city. Is a registered law firm with the Bar Council of Malaysia a professional body that regulates the profession of lawyers in Peninsular Malaysia. With this affiliation we expect our Ag